While it is no longer news that the founder of the Synagogue Church, Prophet T.B. Joshua, is dead, there have been many myths circulating the internet about the celebrity pastor. "T.B. Joshua appeared in his church during service", "A mysterious angel appears at T.B. Joshua's burial", "Snake appears in T.B. Joshua's church", and "T.B. Joshua was a ritualist" are just a few examples of these. Hence, this article will present the myths and the facts about T.B. Joshua's death.
#1: T.B. Joshua appeared in his church during service
Fact: T.B. Joshua has never appeared in his church. Although the revered pastor made several prophecies that never came to pass, he did not claim to have powers that can make him disappear or appear.
#2: A mysterious angel appeared at T.B. Joshua's burial
Fact: No mysterious angel appeared at T.B. Joshua's burial. T.B. Joshua has not been buried yet. According to a statement made available to the public, his funeral procession is scheduled from July 5th to July 11th. "We are currently preparing for the week-long service from Monday 5th to Sunday 11th July 2021 in honour of Prophet TB Joshua’s life and legacy.", the church said. Hence, an angel can't appear at a burial that is yet to happen.
#3: Snake appears in T.B. Joshua's Church
Fact: This claim is unverified. There is no solid evidence to prove that a snake appeared in the Synagogue Church. A post on T.B. Joshua's Emmanuel TV website suggests that the late cleric indeed caught three serpents; however, that claim remains unverified.
#4: T.B. Joshua is a witch and ritualist